Hey as most of you already know that yahoo recently made mobile number necessary for signup and a lot of people are asking how to signup for a new yahoo account if you don't have a mobile number/ or don't want to share it.so here is the way i recently signed up for yahoo without entering mobile number and now i have a new yahoo id.When you see yahoo login page you will notice the option to signup using Google and Facebook. Cell Phone Numbers To Create Yahoo Account.I am not sure why it is that this is done but unfortunately someone at one time had to open their big mouth and say 'change is good'. I have been searching for a way to do this for some time now and i like many others used to be able to create a yahoo account and the dumb concept of requiring a phone number was not an issue back in the day. To create an account using email only, please use a PC or Mac. Skype automatically detects your device and if you are on a mobile device, irrespective of whether you use the app or not, a phone number will be required. 5) Now, Create password and confirm it by entering once again. Create gmail account without mobile number. 4) Select Username for new Gmail account and tap on next sign. Create Gmail account without phone number. 3) Enter your First name, Last name and all the details which it asks to enter. Create Google account without phone number.